
Technology SupportedSimpligov

Government workflow automation and eForm automation

Government automation that’s proven in practice

With SimpliGov, easily manage digital and physical content in a centralized platform.

Government workflow automation and eForm automation using flexible solutions from SimpliGov are the new cornerstones of better public service.

When inefficient government departments or agencies get poor results from spending taxpayer dollars, they’re now being put on notice by voters, politicians and watchdog groups. So improving efficiency and responsiveness is a crucial need – and SimpliGov workflow automation offers an immediate solution.

Reducing compliance risk
Increasing productivity
Introducing a governance framework
Complete control over the information lifecycle

Effective Solutions

Meet Regulatory Requirements

Save Time & Money

Improve Productivity


Flexible solutions from SimpliGov

the new cornerstones of better public service

01Digital signatures

SimpliSign is an integrated, native electronic signature capability built into government workflow automation with online forms and already included in the software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform subscription price of the SimpliGov platform

02Workflow automation

Today, agility, flexibility and precise execution make the difference between success and failure for almost any enterprise. It’s why more of them are turning to Cloud-based workflow automation solutions

03Forms automation

Digitize and automate manual government forms so they become smarter, self-guiding, more standardized, even multilingual – reducing errors and accelerating public service processes

04Government automation

Quickly and easily automate any mundane process, rewarding you with exceptional results. Now you can focus on what’s important: delivering superior public services

IQBG Client SuccessSimpliGov Case Studies
