
Technology SupportedM Files Document Management System

An intelligent information management platform

Built from the ground up with metadata in mind

Upon the notion that it is easier to describe “what” something is rather than guess “where” it is stored.

M-Files is the only intelligent information management platform that organizes content based on what it is, not where it’s stored. You can even connect to existing network folders and systems to make them more intelligent with built-in AI to categorize and protect information automatically.

Reducing compliance risk
Increasing productivity
Introducing a governance framework
Complete control over the information lifecycle

Effective Solutions

Meet Regulatory Requirements

Save Time & Money

Improve Productivity


IQBG is a BOTH an Authorized Service Partner and a Certified Application Partner

Mfiles interface

Connect to existing network folders and systems

with built-in AI to automatically categorize and protect data.

Business ChallengesInefficient approval process

65% of businesses experience challenges with reviewing and approving documents. Often, review and approval processes are manual and slow down operations, from accounts payable to HR and customer support.

Business ChallengesDocument redundancy

On average, a document gets copied 19 times during its lifecycle. That makes it hard to find and maintain the latest version. 68% of office workers confirm this is impacting their work negatively.

01Stop wasting time searching

M-Files manages content by "what" it is. That way, users never need to remember "where" something was stored. Even if that content is stored in a 3rd party system, like SharePoint, Dropbox, network file shares or other ECM systems!

02Increase the speed of your business

M-Files equips your business with electronic workflow and e-signing, even from mobile devices, allowing your staff to process tasks faster and without the hassle of having to rely on paper.

03Keep data organized and secure

M-Files also allows your staff to share content with colleagues and business partners in a simple and secure manner without having to rely on 3rd party consumer systems like Dropbox.


Improve Employee ProductivityMost organizations use 4 or more repositories to store and manage content in complex folder hierarchies. As a result, 46% of office workers say it's challenging and time-consuming to find the documents they need.


Capabilities & BenefitsConversion and Digitization Solutions

Create easy-to-use reports that draw from multiple data sources.

Eliminate data silos – drill through the numbers to see the whole picture.

Spend less time debating and more time deciding which action to take.

Self-service reporting and analysis puts information in everyone’s hands.
