California Multiple Award Schedule

Contract No. 3-21-08-1001 & 3-21-08-1002California Multiple Award Schedule


California Multiple
Award Schedule

Contract No. 3-21-08-1001 & 3-21-08-1002
The Contract

California Multiple Award Schedules (CMAS) agreements are established for State and Local government agencies in California to purchase information technology and non-information technology products and services. CMAS agreements are based on Federal General Services Administration (GSA) multiple award schedule contracts, which have been competitively assessed and negotiated. CMAS agreements comply with California procurement codes, guidelines, and policies and provide the highest contractual protection level.

California Ordering Agencies achieve cost savings, experience flexibility and choice of vendors, save time, realize transparency, and control the procurement process through the use of CMAS agreements.

IQ Business Group (IQBG) has been awarded the following two CMAS Contracts:

3-21-08-1001 (from Base Schedule #47QSMA20D08P2) – Term 08/03/2021 – 01/28/2025

3-21-08-1002 (from Base Schedule #GS-35F-0650Y – Term 08/03/2021 – 09/26/2022

Through this contract, any California state agency or unit of local government can purchase  IQBG Records Management Solutions and MAS Information Technology Services related services at a significant discount. Professional Services such as installation, configuration, design, implementation, support, and maintenance are available with individual statements of work. This contracting vehicle can also procure services such as high-level assessments, requirements analysis, and solution design, regardless of the Enterprise Content & Records Management (ECRM) platform.

About CMAS Program

More information regarding the CMAS Program can be found at the California Multiple Award Schedules (CMAS) Overview and Guide and at the California Multiple Award Schedules FAQs

How to Order and/or Request a Consultation

Customers contact CHRIS LEGNON for services and pricing information, negotiate their own service level agreements and additional terms and conditions, if any, and send their purchase orders to Chris Legnon and payments directly to IQBG.

CHRIS LEGNON is the IQBG Regional Director for California and is responsible for guiding all business relative to this contract. Chris is available to assist California Customers in determining which ECM or EIM products and services best match their specific requirements; and to help create Purchase Orders and Statements of Work relevant to their needs.

Contact Chris Today
Chris Legnon, PMP, ITIL
IQBG Regional Director
clegnon @
+1 (512) 423-4481


How to OrderRequest a Consultation

Customers contact CHRIS LEGNON for services and pricing information, negotiate their service level agreements and additional terms and conditions, if any, and send their purchase orders to Chris Legnon and payments directly to IQBG.



Assessments:  IQBG realizes that software alone cannot make an information management program successful. You are only as good as your people, process, and technology. Our Program Maturity Assessment (PMA) helps organizations benchmark current program maturity while providing a roadmap to meet future state requirements. By rapidly assessing current operations through proactive engagement, our team is able to develop business requirements and project return on investment (ROI), develop a technology roadmap, and recommend a multi-year implementation sequence. Our Program Maturity Assessment (PMA) is available for Records Management (RM), Information Governance (IG), and Content Services (CS).

Policy & Schedule Development

IQBG knows that information management policy and effective records schedules are the heart of any program. Our approach to policy and schedule development is different than most consulting firms in two significant ways. First, we leverage our senior staff whose primary focus is Records Management. With numerous ECRM engagements under their belts, rest assured that experience and confidence are baked into each policy and records schedule we help you develop. Secondly, IQBG promotes knowledge transfer by collaborating with our clients as much as possible throughout the process.

Our methodology includes focused use case discussions, technology demonstrations, and training sessions. Our clients are well equipped to support their records management program, driven by effective policy and records schedules.

Information Governance

Information is one of your most valuable assets. Content creation has become simplified, and it is too easy to neglect the volumes of content and records supporting your business. Without effective governance, things can go south really quickly. IQBG leverages several Information Governance maturity models to benchmark your Information Governance program, providing recommendations that bridge the gaps between people, policy, process, and technology to implement lasting information governance.

Enterprise Content Management

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) strategies capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents related to organizational processes.

ECM is working properly when it is effectively “invisible” to users. ECM is a collection of infrastructure components that fit into a multi-layered model and include all document-related technologies (DRT) for handling, delivering, and managing structured data and unstructured information. The five ECM components and technologies were first defined by AIIM as capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver.

IQBG provides professional services for:

    • Document Management (DM)

    • Collaboration

    • Web content management

    • Records management

    • Workflow and business process management (BPM)

    • Email Management

    • Data Migrations

    • FOIA & eDiscovery

    • Conversion and Digitization

    • Support & Maintenance